
We know that better humans make better leaders.

The zero-sum game of traditional business is no longer working. We need new ways of thinking to do better —for ourselves and our world.

In so doing, we (paradoxically) generate a more stable and more successful business, better adapted to change, more anti-fragile in its culture, and better able to generate multiple bottom lines.

Chief Executive Officer (x) Chief Enlightened Officer = CEO²

The Enlightenment was a revolution in thought beginning in the late 17th century. It transformed every part of our world. That’s the good news.

The bad news is if the world it has created continues with business as usual, we will continue to splinter, fracture, and be challenged by larger and larger problems. Better tools are now available, but the bottleneck is a limited framework and mindset.

The questions are: is the world committed to business as usual? Are you?

We believe the world is ready for a new revolution in thought. One radical enough to bring updated enlightened ideals to play — transforming zero-sum games to more nuanced ones. Allowing leadership to focus on more than just the bottom line, including happiness, greater purpose, balance, giving back, and leading by example.

Our Principles

We focus on adaptability, neuroplasticity, self-understanding, and navigating relationships as vital emerging capacities that must be developed, and nurtured. 

We know what works best and has been time-tested. At the same time, we continuously refine our education, best-in-class models, and mindset for greater efficiency, humanity, and sustainability.

As leaders evolve from focusing on narrow personal and corporate success, they can become powerful agents of change in a world desperate for them.

“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate for the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew.”

-- Abraham Lincoln


Better humans
Better leaders